The recent spate of news items appearing in newspapers and visual media regarding sightings of drones, fast moving objects, UFOs over the skies of New Jersey, New York and other cities in the USA have rekindled the debate about alien visitations. This 'conspiracy' has been raging for many decades since the early sightings of UFOs over our world. Many believe that these are living beings from some far off galaxy who periodically visit our Earth to watch over us (since there has been no information of any confrontation with any such UFO so far).
In popular culture many movie makers have made interesting movies on this subject with their own stories - most basing their story on major confrontation with the human race, strangely in the English language movies almost always in the USA! Others have made the aliens benign and friendly with their approach more to study our civilisation rather than thinking of subjugating us or conquering us.
Today while sitting to pray, I suddenly had an epiphany. I thought what if these sightings of UFOs actually are nothing but our own human beings from a distant future with advanced technology of time travel. That thought actually is nothing new, I realize through a simple google search. In fact quite a few scientists share this thought too and hypothesize it. Many are skeptical though and contend that time travel is 'physically impossible'!
Wikipedia too contains a detailed page on time traveler-UFO hypothesis and the following page contains some discussion on the same. Wikipedia page on UFO-Time Traveller
Conspiracy theory or plain hypothesizing a possibility....I believe many scientific advancements have happened due to such hypothesizing and substituting the question "how" with "why not"! Being a bit more practical in these matters, I think we are at the moment only at the 'loud thinking' stage without any means to scientifically prove that time travel is possible.
However, by suspending belief and thinking further, how about the following:
- Ramanujan actually was a being from the future who knew so much about the number theory that he wrote them down for us to investigate further!
- Aryabhatta and Brahmagupta were visitors from the future who wrote down their scientific theories to educate us humans of the early millenium.
One could hypothesize further in similar manner to marvel at the geniuses that we had!
What do you think?
Disclaimer: I am neither an alien, nor a time-traveller, but how much fun would it be to be one!